Website Maintenance Updates
What are Website Maintenance Updates and What's Included?
A part of our service, regardless of if you host with us or not, is regular web maintenance built into most of our flat-rate contracts. A common question from clients is what’s the purpose behind website maintenance and what’s included in the package. Here’s an idea of what of website maintenance is and why it is so important.
Troubleshooting Issues!
As a business owner, having your website down means a potential loss of clients. For those who buy a website without website maintenance, any sudden issues must be handled separately. This means calling up your host and figuring why the website is down, trying to go in and troubleshoot the issue yourself, ow waiting on the phone while customer service goes down their dialogue tree to walk you through the issue.

Website Maintenance Security Updates!
One of the most important parts of website maintenance is keeping your site secure. Websites especially those built with WordPress, have a lot of moving parts. From themes to plugins to installed website security, updates are often made to patch security exploits.
Changes to your website!
Need to change a phone number, update your staff section, or even add a new line of products? Without a maintenance contract, you’re either going to have to put on web developer hat yourself or sign another contract for the project. We help our clients with every change to their website as part of their monthly maintenance contract.