Google Adwords Adsense and Site Partners

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is an online advertising platform developed by Google. Adwords is an essential Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing tool for a massive number of businesses nowadays. Not only does it allow you to advertise on the most widely used search engine on the web, but it can be 100 percent tailored to your business, So you are only advertising to your target audience.

The cost of the adverts is on a cost-per-click basis so you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The cost of the click is based on the keywords that you are bidding on. For small businesses, Google Adwords is an ideal tool to put your business right in front of your target audience. For a few cents and can be much more effective than big scale print ads.

Google Adwords

google adwords adsense
google adwords adsense
google adwords adsense

Google AdSense provides a way for publishers to earn money from their online content. AdSense works by matching ads to your site based on your content and visitors. The ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products. Since these advertisers pay different prices for different ads, the amount you earn will vary.

AdSense is a program run by Google.  Website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. They can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis.

This is an advertising program that allows you to run ads on your website, blog, or YouTube videos and get paid when visitors click on them. The ads are generated from businesses that use Google’s AdWords program that you feed using a special AdSense code onto your blog or website.

Google Adsense

 If you’ve been working with Google AdWords for long enough, then you’ve probably come across the term Google partner sites. This term is often misunderstood by marketers and leaves them scratching their heads.

Are these sites officially related to Google? In which way are they partners? With so many confusing questions out there, we thought we’d help settle some of those once and for all. 

We’ll look at what relation these sites have to Google, how people register in the first place? How Google uses these partners? By the end of this article you’ll have a solid grasp of Google partner sites and how they fit in with the big picture. aiGot Blog

A Google partner site is simply a website that has been successfully approved by Google to run AdSense adverts on their site. Google partner sites are solely to do with the display network.

These partner sites display adverts on behalf of Google and receive money every time someone clicks on them. How much they earn per click will depend on a number of factors. The industry, keyword and advert itself. Some clicks can yield a few cents in revenue like others can generate several dollars.

Google Partner Sites

Google Adwords Adsense and Site Partners

google adwords adsense